When you are experiencing issues with your boundaries or codependency in your relationships, you might become so invested in getting validation from others that you are unable to function as an independent person. You may only have an identity in another person and feel as if you can’t be happy unless they are happy. You also may have an intense need for external approval, so much so that you struggle to make decisions without other people’s input because you’re afraid that they may leave you.
Learning how to set boundaries is an important part of creating and establishing your own identity and it’s incredibly important for your mental well-being. With therapy, you will learn what healthy boundaries are and how to appropriately set them so you can show more compassion and kindness to yourself.
You don’t have to live with low self-esteem, an obsessive need for external validation, and a lack of self-trust. Integrative Counsel has caring therapists who specialize in Codependency and boundary setting. To start your counseling journey, follow these simple steps:
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