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Anxiety Relief

Anxiety Relief, Starting Therapy

July 7, 2022

What Kind of Therapy Is Best For Me?

Are you unsure of what kind of therapy is best for you? Are you wanting to take that leap and start your healing journey, but aren’t sure where to start? That is totally normal. It’s challenging to step out of your comfort zone and reach out for help. The good news is that the most […]

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Anxiety Relief, Uncategorized

June 8, 2022

Is It Worth It To See A Therapist?

When you account for all the expenses, effort, and diligence required, going to therapy can seem like quite the herculean effort. Hercules, with all his strength, didn’t have to do it alone, and neither do you. Your journey was never meant to be traveled alone. It can be tempting to think that you don’t need […]

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Anxiety Relief

Anxiety Relief

June 3, 2022


“To invent your own life’s meaning is not easy, but it’s still allowed, and I think you’ll be happier for the trouble” Bill Watterson I’m a person who likes to know. I like things to be wrapped up nicely. I get anxious when I can’t plan and know the ending. I’m the one who reads […]

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Anxiety Relief

June 1, 2022

How to Manage Random Bouts of Anxiety

Anxiety comes in waves that can crash upon your shore just as quickly as they recede into the horizon. It can muddle your perception, cloud your judgment, and interrupt even the most meticulous of plans. Bouts of anxiety can appear to come from nowhere, and it’s not always easy to recognize your triggers. We all […]

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Anxiety Relief

Anxiety Relief

February 3, 2022

5 Tools for Calming Anxiety

Do you ever feel overwhelmed  by anxiety? Is it difficult for you to stop the loop of negative thought patterns? This is a difficult spot to be in, and living with anxiety can be a major challenge that can impact many areas of your life. In order to manage your anxiety, you’ll need to have […]

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Anxiety Relief, Mindfulness and Wellness

December 15, 2021

How To Handle Stressful Situations

Stressful situations are unfortunately a part of life and can come at any moment.  If our bodies didn’t have a stress response, humans would not have been able to survive this long–our ancestors were able to get away from a saber tooth tiger because the stress response triggered their adrenaline, allowing them to act quickly […]

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Anxiety Relief

Anxiety Relief

November 9, 2021

sunrise morning anxiety

How To Calm Yourself When You Have Morning Anxiety

Do you find that your anxiety is worse in the mornings? This is because your cortisol levels are higher in the morning, because your body uses this hormone to wake you up. It also has to do with low blood sugar. You haven’t eaten anything all night, and your body is in starvation mode and […]

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Anxiety Relief, Depression Relief, Mindfulness and Wellness

September 22, 2021

sunflower blooming

Be Gentle with Yourself

Are you stuck in a cycle of self-criticism? Do you have constant negative, internal thoughts about yourself? Do you beat yourself up when you make mistakes? Having unrealistic expectations of yourself is a form of self-betrayal because you are setting yourself up for failure. This gets you stuck because you immediately cling to the idea […]

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Anxiety Relief

Anxiety Relief, Body-Informed Wisdom

August 25, 2021

How Do I Calm Myself Down When I Get Triggered?

A trigger is something that sets off a flashback to a traumatic event. Not everyone has the same triggers, however, it can cause intense fear and anxiety. Whenever you are triggered, it’s important to give yourself gentleness and compassion. Being harsh and rigid with yourself when you are moving through intense emotions only intensifies the […]

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Anxiety Relief, Body-Informed Wisdom, Mindfulness and Wellness

June 17, 2021

Moving Through Anxiety

Have you ever felt like the weight of the world is on your shoulders? If you would have checked your posture at that time, you might have noticed slumped shoulders, tension, and a collapsed chest. The mind-body connection is very much real, and your emotional difficulties are manifested physically. William James, a psychologist and philosopher […]

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5 Creative Ways to DIY Mental Wellness

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