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Creativity is intelligence having fun. – Albert Einstein
Do you ever see faces or animals in the clouds? That’s called pareidolia and it means your imagination is alive and well. If you appreciate looking at or listening to art, you can create art. So how to start?
Designate a regular time and space for contemplating, planning, and creating your art. Buy the basic tools you need but don’t go crazy; your needs will change as you gain experience. If you get an idea during a random moment of the day STOP and WRITE IT DOWN. A few notes in your phone will work but it’s also great to carry a small notebook if you’re a visual artist so you can sketch the idea on the spot.
Start local and apply to have your work in group gallery university and museum shows, school and library exhibits, local art and craft centers, etc. If you need a day job, try to find one that is connected to the arts. You’ll build your network and have folks to teach you the business end. If you’re inclined to teach, teach what you most want to learn. Stay away from critics and naysayers.
Art is magical, but it’s not magic. Learn the foundational skills you need from experts. If you need social support, take a live or online class. If you just need specific technical advice, books and YouTube can suffice. Either way you will save countless hours of trial and error as you gain necessary skills and knowledge. A musician who doesn’t know basic music theory or a figurative painter who does not know some human anatomy will dead end themselves at a relatively amateur level. Learn so you can grow your confidence; don’t wait to feel confident to start to learn.
Each work of art you make will go through an ugly phase; keep going. If you stop an omelet halfway through cooking, it’s a runny mess. Finish the process and then learn from your mistakes. Don’t work one piece to death; do ten of them. By the tenth one, you’ll get the hang of what you’re trying to express. It’s ok to be scared. Make art anyway.
Dr. Diohn Brancaleoni is a licensed psychologist, author, and sculptor. Her psychotherapy practice has been based in positive psychology and mindfulness, and she wrote and illustrated the book The Happy Life Toolkit- Life Skills and Wisdom from a Down to Earth Psychologist in 2019. As an artist, Diohn Leoni creates sculptures inspired by nature and human nature. She is currently sculpting horses with Japanese air dry clay and locally grown vintage gourds. Find more about her art here: www.diohnleoni.com Facebook: diohnleoni Instagram@diohnleoni
September 7, 2023
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