From your responses, you indicated that the wellness domain where there is the largest discrepancy between where you are and where you would like to be is Social. Below you will find activities you can start today to assist you in reaching your wellness goal.
We suggest that you start with the right-brain activity. Though it may seem “different” and stretch you out of your typical comfort zone that is generally where true insight can occur.
Wellness Domain: Social
Right Brain Activity | Take quite time to image what an “appropriate boundary” might look like for you. For instance, it might be a garden fence with a well working gate or it could be a Plexiglas wall. In some way, represent this image by drawing, painting, collage, sculpture or writing. |
Left Brain Activity | Write a specific, and attainable, goal pertaining to your social network for this week. For example, I will take time to listen to my friend in need. Or, I will clearly identify and articulate out loud a need I have 1x this week. Or, I will participate in 1 activity where I will have the opportunity to meet someone new (e.g. will join and attend a MeetUp) |
Affirmation | “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~ Rumi |
Happy creating!
Integrative Counsel is committed to providing culturally competent services. We respect the uniqueness of every person including, but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, class and religious affiliation.