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5 Creative Ways to DIY Mental Wellness







Art Therapy, Uncategorized

September 7, 2023

how to get started as an artist

How to Get Started As An Artist

Creativity is intelligence having fun. – Albert Einstein Being an artist begins in the mind. Do you ever see faces or animals in the clouds? That’s called pareidolia and it means your imagination is alive and well. If you appreciate looking at or listening to art, you can create art.  So how to start? Set […]

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Relationships, Uncategorized

August 31, 2023

show more emotional intimacy

Show More Emotional Intimacy

Emotional intimacy is something we all need, but not always something that comes naturally to us. It can take a lot of courage to share your vulnerabilities, even with somebody you trust. If we don’t have a lot of experience letting people into our internal worlds, the prospect of letting our guard down can be […]

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Creativity and Innovation, Uncategorized

August 17, 2023

How to be creative even when you’re anxious

How to Be Creative (Even When You’re Anxious)

Creativity can be easy to chase, but hard to capture, especially when you’re feeling anxious. When we’re worried, our productivity is bound to take a dip, and this can have a multiplicative effect on our anxiety. We cannot work because we feel so anxious, but we are only so anxious because we cannot work. Anxiety […]

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Art Therapy, Uncategorized

August 10, 2023

is making art selfish

Is Making Art Selfish?

  “Creative work is not a selfish act or a bid for attention on the part of the actor. It’s a gift to the world and every being in it. Don’t cheat us of your contribution. Give us what you’ve got.”― Steven Pressfield The problem with the word “selfish” is that it posits that being […]

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Uncategorized, Your Journey

July 13, 2023

Your Journey: Letting Go

We’re all the heroes of our own stories, but the heroes we admire in literature and on the screen find themselves undergoing spiritual and emotional transformations more often than they find themselves using the bathroom. If all of us are heroes, each going on a continuous, limitless, and recursive journey throughout the stages of our […]

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Mindfulness and Wellness, Productivity, Uncategorized

June 1, 2023

Focus Using These 4 Tips

Focus: it’s something we all need, but it’s not something we always practice. Although it is often necessary to succeed in the practice of life, focus is something that many consider optional. With our phones in our pocket, and the world at our fingertips, we live in an environment where focus is becoming more and […]

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Relationships, Uncategorized

March 30, 2023

Can My Relationship Survive Communication Issues?

Bad communication can sap the hope out of deeply meaningful relationships. Sometimes, we struggle to communicate with the people we care for the most. School might have taught us grammar and vocabulary to improve our communication, but students are seldom given the emotional education they need. We have to teach ourselves the lesson instead. Is […]

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Body-Informed Wisdom, Change, Spirituality, Uncategorized

March 23, 2023

supporting the divine feminine

Supporting the Divine Feminine

The divine feminine is the grand ideal of femininity. The concept of the divine feminine can be difficult to wrap your head around, and the prospect of embodying such a thing can seem overwhelming or out of reach. After all, nobody here in the material plane has a perfect understanding of the divine. What we […]

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Change, Uncategorized

March 16, 2023

4 online resources to retrain your brain

4 Online Resources To Train Your Brain

Self-improvement is always a work in progress. We’re never done growing, and there’s a wealth of knowledge out there for us to draw from. The process of learning and adding to your toolkit can be a challenge, but it pays dividends in the long run. To aid in your own journey of self-improvement, here are […]

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Art Therapy, Uncategorized

January 12, 2023

How Color Impacts The Brain

Color can impact the human brain in a variety of ways. Seeing something beautiful can lighten the mood, but living in a drudge of the same colors over and over can leave our psyche frail and our enthusiasm dull. Even just wearing the right color can impact our behavior in surprising ways. Once we become […]

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5 Creative Ways to DIY Mental Wellness

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