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Mindfulness and Wellness, Productivity

February 17, 2023

6 signs of a resilient person

6 Signs of a Resilient Person

Being resilient means being able to recover from difficult conditions. When we’re on the outside looking in, it can feel like an impossible task to stay resilient in the face of our obstacles. How can we recognize a resilient person? And moreover, how can we begin to recognize that resilience in ourselves?  What Does A […]

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Art Therapy

November 10, 2022

can i do art therapy myself?

Can I Do Art Therapy Myself?

Can I do art therapy myself? It’s a valid question. After all, there are trained professionals who study for years just to learn how to do it, and rightfully so. Art therapy is a complex process that takes a lifetime of study and practice to truly master, but its principles can be put into place […]

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Art Therapy

October 6, 2022

use art to be in the now

Use Art To Be In The Now

Use art to be in the now. If we want to be fully in touch with our creativity, developing our sense of mindfulness is a necessity. There is a pervasive and powerful myth around artists that we are hopeless dreamers lost without a clue in the beautiful labyrinth of our own minds. In order to […]

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May 12, 2022

How to Argue Less

How can you and your partner argue less? Encouraging an environment of effective communication is one of the biggest challenges any couple can face, and nobody is sent into this world with the tools to have perfect harmony in their relationships. Here are a few tips to foster listening and understanding in your relationships:   Using […]

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Your Journey

October 5, 2021

a picture of mountains looking over a large body of water with a purple hue

Your Journey: Denial

We’re all the heroes of our own stories, but the heroes we admire in literature and on the screen find themselves undergoing spiritual and emotional transformations more often than they find themselves using the bathroom. If all of us are heroes, each going on a continuous, limitless, and recursive journey throughout the stages of our […]

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Anxiety Relief, Depression Relief, Mindfulness and Wellness

September 22, 2021

sunflower blooming

Be Gentle with Yourself

Are you stuck in a cycle of self-criticism? Do you have constant negative, internal thoughts about yourself? Do you beat yourself up when you make mistakes? Having unrealistic expectations of yourself is a form of self-betrayal because you are setting yourself up for failure. This gets you stuck because you immediately cling to the idea […]

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Spirituality, Your Journey

September 10, 2021

Your Journey: The Whisper

We’re all the heroes of our own stories, but the heroes we admire in literature and on the screen find themselves undergoing spiritual and emotional transformations more often than they find themselves using the bathroom. If all of us are heroes, each going on a continuous, limitless, and recursive journey throughout the stages of our […]

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Depression Relief, Spirituality

September 1, 2021

Self-love: 6 Ways to Love Yourself

Self-love is something that we all want to achieve, but it is difficult to do when we don’t speak nicely to ourselves or make ourselves a priority. What even is self-love? Self-love looks different for everyone. At its very core, self-love is accepting yourself as you are and accepting your emotions for what they are. […]

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Your Journey

August 17, 2021

Your Journey: The Way It’s Always Been

We’re all the heroes of our own stories, but the heroes we admire in literature and on the screen find themselves undergoing spiritual and emotional transformations more often than they find themselves using the bathroom. If all of us are heroes, each going on a continuous, limitless, and recursive journey throughout the stages of our […]

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Mindfulness and Wellness, Self Care

February 17, 2020

5 Ways To Be Kind Today

Listen carefully without interrupting It is kind to show others you care by listening intently and making a conscious effort to hear the message that is being communicated. Put aside those distracting thoughts, look at the speaker directly, and don’t mentally prepare what you’re about to say next–just listen. When you’re sure they’ve finished, paraphrase […]

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5 Creative Ways to DIY Mental Wellness

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